
FYSEG at the Water Engineering Conference

The study and remodeling project of Buendía’s dam stilling pool has been carried out within the framework of the work that FYSEG has been developing for the Confederación Hidrográfica del Tajo (Tagus River Basin Confederation) within the contract of Analysis, study and support to the project design of the 4th exploitation zone, by Enrique Moreno. The studies in reduced model included in the work have been developed in the Hydraulic Laboratory of CEDEX and directed by Dolores Cordero and Víctor Elviro.

The motivation of the study is determined by the doubts of its ability to operate due to two main reasons. On the one hand, there are few times that in real conditions there are spills of the spillway and the opening of the scour outlets has only been carried out at low reservoir level. On the other hand, the theoretical calculation generates uncertainties about the sufficiency of the pool.

After a documentary review, a site review and the construction of a reduced model at 1:50 scale, the laboratory confirms that the performance of the pool is acceptable for spillage by spillway in its major flood while it is not sufficient for spills through the scour outlets.

After obtaining the diagnosis of the situation, a solution of expansion of the stilling pool is designed with a new additional length of 25 m, an intermediate cutoff wall and the extension of the side walls of both margins.

For its part, the Huerva River Master Plan was born with the intention of establishing a strategic and unitary vision of this river as it passes through the city of Zaragoza, defining the general criteria that will allow it to be recovered and integrated into the urban and landscape reality of the city with the objective of converting this river and its margins in the great north-south axis of the city in its most consolidated route. In addition, the intention is also to turn it into a greenway, connecting the capital with the riverside towns.

The Plan elaborated consists of two clearly differentiated parts. In the first part, an analysis of the state and the potential of the river and its scope was made. In the second part, several urban and landscape proposals were made, including management measures for the recovery of the Huerva River and citizen participation.

The main lines of action of the the Huerva Master Plan are the following:

  • Creation of a North-South Green Street in the city

  • Generation of Mobility Exchange Places

  • Creation of a natural ecosystem in the city, across the river

  • Greenway of the Huerva River Zaragoza-Mezalocha Reservoir

  • Specific action proposals